State of Florida Division of Bond Finance

Issuer Overview
State of Florida Division of Bond Finance

Issuer Type: State / Province


This issuer has not published any bond ratings. Contact the issuer for more information.

Issuer Overview
State of Florida Division of Bond Finance

Issuer Type: State / Province


This issuer has not published any bond ratings. Contact the issuer for more information.

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Ben Watkins

The Florida Division of Bond Finance manages all capital financing needs for the State of Florida and its agencies.

The Division of Bond Finance is authorized to issue bonds on behalf of the State of Florida or its agencies. The Governing Board of the Division of Bond Finance is composed of the Governor, as Chairman, and the Cabinet of the State of Florida, consisting of the Attorney General, as Secretary, the Chief Financial Officer, as Treasurer, and the Commissioner of Agriculture.

The Division currently issues three types of bonds: general obligation bonds, revenue bonds and appropriation-based bonds. A listing and additional information, including ratings, of the bond programs issued and managed by the Division can be found here.

Ben Watkins, Director